










侵襲性真菌感染是我國和全世界範圍內臨床上麵臨的嚴重問題。本研究團隊主要從事人體致病性念珠菌形態發育、致病機理、耐藥機理和新藥篩選等方麵研究。近年來,在相關領域取得多項突破性進展,以通訊作者在Plos BiologyMolecular Biology of the CellPlos GeneticsMolecular Microbiology等國際著名雜誌上發表了一係列高水平文章。我們的長遠目標是揭示念珠菌的致病機理,發掘新靶標基因,研發新型藥物,為真菌病的防治開拓新途徑。目前主要研究方向包括:






1999年畢業於西南農業大學,獲得學士學位。2006年畢業於中國科學院生化細胞所,獲得理學博士學位。隨後到美國Wistar InstituteUniversity of Iowa做博士後研究。2012年入選中國科學院“引進國外傑出人才計劃”,並在終期評估中獲得“優秀”;曾擔任中國科學院微生物研究所研究員、中國科學院特聘研究員和中國科學院大學崗位教授。擔任國際期刊VirulenceFEMS Yeast Research等雜誌編委,並為PLoS BiologyPLoS GeneticsmBioMolecular microbiology等三十多個國際期刊審稿。

黃廣華團隊主要從事人體致病性念珠菌形態發育、致病機理、耐藥機理和新藥篩選等方麵研究。近年來,在相關領域取得多項突破性進展,發現白念珠菌形態轉換在臨床菌株中的普遍性,揭示了形態轉換在白念珠菌宿主環境適應、致病性和有性生殖中的重要作用(PLoS Biology, 2013, 2019);在白念珠菌中發現了一種新的細胞形態和形態轉換係統(PLoS Biology, 2014);發現了調控白念珠菌CO2感應的關鍵基因,揭示了念珠菌菌絲形成的機製(Mol. Biol. Cell, 2012; Molecular Microbiology, 2013, 2015, 2017)。近年來,在多重耐藥性“超級真菌”耳念珠菌感染機理及防治方麵取得了重要的進展。以通訊作者在Plos BiologyPlos GeneticsMolecular Microbiology等國際著名雜誌上發表了一係列水平文章Nature Reviews Microbiology雜誌和Faculty of 1000 網站多次介紹和評論過這些文章。






1. Genetic regulation of the development of mating projections in Candida albicans.

Liang W, Guan G, Li C, Nobile CJ, Tao L, Huang, G*.Emerg Microbes Infect. 2020 Feb 21;9(1):413-426.

2. Experimental evolution identifies adaptive aneuploidy as a mechanism of fluconazole resistance in Candida auris. Bing J, Hu T, Zheng Q, Muñoz JF, Cuomo CA, Huang, G*.Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2020 Oct 19:AAC.01466-20 (F1000推薦文章).

3. Candida auris: Epidemiology, biology, antifungal resistance, and virulence. Du H, Bing J, Hu T, Ennis CL, Nobile CJ, Huang, G*.PLoS Pathog. 2020 Oct 22;16(10):e1008921.

4. Guan G, Tao L, Yue H, Liang W, Gong J, Bing J, Zheng Q, Veri AO, Fan S, Robbins N, Cowen LE, Huang, G*. Environment-induced same-sex mating in the yeast Candida albicans through the Hsf1-Hsp90 pathway. PLoS Biol. 2019 Mar 13;17(3):e2006966.

5. Yue H, Bing J, Zheng Q, Zhang Y, Hu T, Du H, Wang H, Huang, G*. Filamentation in Candida auris, an emerging fungal pathogen of humans: passage through the mammalian body induces a heritable phenotypic switch. Emerg Microbes Infect. 2018 Nov 28;7(1):188.

6. Du H*, Zheng Q, Bing J, Bennett RJ, Huang G. A coupled process of same- and opposite-sex mating generates polyploidy and genetic diversity in Candida tropicalis. PLoS Genet. 2018 May 7;14(5):e1007377.

7. Tao L, Zhang Y, Fan S, Nobile CJ, Guan G, Huang, G*. Integration of the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle with cAMP signaling and Sfl2 pathways in the regulation of CO2 sensing and hyphal development in Candida albicans. PLoS Genet. 2017 Aug 7;13(8):e1006949 (F1000推薦文章).

8.Tao L, Zhang Y, Fan S, Nobile CJ, Guan G, and Huang, G* (2017). Integration of the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle with cAMP signaling and Sfl2 pathways in the regulation of CO2 sensing and hyphal development in Candida albicans. PLoS Genet. 13(8):e1006949.  9. Du, H., Guan, G., Li, X., Gulati, M., Tao, L., Cao, C., Johnson, A.D., Nobile, C.J., and Huang, G*. (2015). N-Acetylglucosamine-Induced Cell Death in Candida albicans and Its Implications for Adaptive Mechanisms of Nutrient Sensing in Yeasts. mBio6, e01376-01315 (F1000推薦文章).

10. Tao, L., Du, H., Guan, G., Dai, Y., Nobile, C.J., Liang, W., Cao, C., Zhang, Q., Zhong, J., and Huang, G*. (2014). Discovery of a "white-gray-opaque" tristable phenotypic switching system in candida albicans: roles of non-genetic diversity in host adaptation. PLoS Biol12, e1001830 (F1000推薦文章).

11. Xie, J., Tao, L., Nobile, C.J., Tong, Y., Guan, G., Sun, Y., Cao, C., Hernday, A.D., Johnson, A.D., Zhang, L., Bai, F-Y, Huang, G*. (2013). White-opaque switching in natural MTLa/alpha isolates of Candida albicans: evolutionary implications for roles in host adaptation, pathogenesis, and sex. PLoS Biol 11, e1001525 (F1000推薦文章).

12. Du, H., Guan, G., Xie, J., Cottier, F., Sun, Y., Jia, W., Muhlschlegel, F.A., and Huang, G*. (2012). The transcription factor Flo8 mediates CO2 sensing in the human fungal pathogen Candida albicans. Mol Biol Cell23, 2692-2701.

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